AnVIL Portal
  • Introduction
  • Getting Started
  • Guides and Tutorials
  • Introduction to Terra
  • Introduction to Dockstore
  • Understanding Cloud Costs
  • Account Setup
  • Overview of Account Setup
  • Obtaining a Google ID
  • Creating a Terra Account
  • Billing Setup
  • Overview of Billing Concepts
  • Creating a Google Cloud Billing Account
  • Accessing Data
  • Discovering Data
  • Requesting Data Access
  • Data Access Controls
  • Bringing Your Own Data
  • Running Analysis Workflows
  • Using Example Workspaces
  • Running GATK in Terra
  • Running Galaxy Workflows from Dockstore
  • Running Interactive Analyses
  • Running Jupyter Notebooks in AnVIL
  • Running R / Bioconductor in AnVILL
  • Running Galaxy in AnVIL
  • MOOC
  • What is AnVIL?
  • Cloud Computing
  • Cloud Costs
  • Use Case: GATK
  • Use Case: GWAS
  • Use Case: eQTL
  • Video Gallery
  • Anvil
  • Terra
  • Dockstore
  • Galaxy
  • Seqr
  • Workshop Archive
  • Workshop Archive
  • Reference
  • GTEx v8 - Egress Instructions
  • Cross Platform Data Access with GA4GH DRS in Terra

AnVIL Workshop Archive

The workshops listed below have been recorded and posted to YouTube. Please see the individual workshops for links to the videos and slides.

Check the AnVIL events page for upcoming interactive workshops.


Terra, AnVIL, R / Bioconductor Popup Workshops

These popup workshops provide short (less than 1 hour) virtual sessions to highlight specific parts of the Terra / AnVIL ecosystem for R and Bioconductor users. The sessions are easy for participants to join and follow along, with minimal prerequisite skills or knowledge. The main goal is to engage and enable use of Terra / AnVIL by R users.

For a workshop videos and tutorials see Bioconductor Popup Workshops.

VADSTI 2021 Module 7 - Tools for Applied Data Science Using Cloud-Based Platforms (April 2021)

Event, Video

In April 2021, the AnVIL team presented an overview of the AnVIL platform to participants in the VADSTI 2021 virtual conference organized by The Howard University Research Centers in Minority Institutions, RCMI.

Participants were introduced to the platform, tools, and functionality for data science projects.

ISMB 2020 - Finding and Analyzing Data in the Cloud with Gen3, Dockstore, Terra, and Galaxy (July 2020)

Event, Video

In July 2020, This full-day workshop led participants through a research journey that highlighted the capabilities and components of the NHGRI Genomic Data Science Analysis, Visualization and Informatics Lab-space (AnVIL) resource.

AnVIL MaGIC 2020 - Massive Genome Informatics in the Cloud Jamboree (June 2020)

Event, Slides and Video

In June of 2020, the AnVIL team hosted a virtual workshop to enable CCDG and CMG researchers to analyze GSP data using AnVIL tools.

Participants gained exposure and familiarity with available data, tools, workflows, training materials, and support channels of AnVIL.

NCPI - Train Your Colleague - Virtual Session (March 2020)

In March 2020 the NCPI team gathered to train each other on their various genomic analysis platforms. Overviews were given of Gen3, Terra, Dockstore, PIC-SURE, the Seven Bridges platform, and ISB-CGC.

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