AnVIL Portal
  • Introduction
  • Getting Started
  • Guides and Tutorials
  • Introduction to Terra
  • Introduction to Dockstore
  • Understanding Cloud Costs
  • Account Setup
  • Overview of Account Setup
  • Obtaining a Google ID
  • Creating a Terra Account
  • Billing Setup
  • Overview of Billing Concepts
  • Creating a Google Cloud Billing Account
  • Accessing Data
  • Discovering Data
  • Requesting Data Access
  • Data Access Controls
  • Bringing Your Own Data
  • Running Analysis Workflows
  • Using Example Workspaces
  • Running GATK in Terra
  • Running Galaxy Workflows from Dockstore
  • Running Interactive Analyses
  • Running Jupyter Notebooks in AnVIL
  • Running R / Bioconductor in AnVILL
  • Running Galaxy in AnVIL
  • MOOC
  • What is AnVIL?
  • Cloud Computing
  • Cloud Costs
  • Use Case: GATK
  • Use Case: GWAS
  • Use Case: eQTL
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  • GTEx v8 - Egress Instructions
  • Cross Platform Data Access with GA4GH DRS in Terra

Use Case: GATK


  • Help you understand the goal of GATK.
  • Help you gain familiarity with the architecture of GATK.
  • Show how AnVIL can accelerate working with GATK tools.


The slides for this tutorial are located here.

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