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Running a Workflow

Martin Morgan, Kayla Interdonato

How to configure and run a workflow, based on the Bioconductor-Workflow-DESeq2 workspace. The workflow starts with FASTQ files and transforms them using salmon to the inputs required for Bioconductor DESeq2 analysis of differential expression.

Learning Objectives

This week we'll configure and run a workflow, based on the Bioconductor-Workflow-DESeq2 workspace (access required via course registration or email to The workspace allows a complete bulk RNASeq differential expression analysis. The workflow starts with FASTQ files and transforms them using salmon to the inputs required for Bioconductor DESeq2 analysis of differential expression. Notebooks describe how the workspace was set up (so that it can be tailored to individual analyses) and also how the outputs of a successful workflow can be marshaled as inputs to an interactive DESeq2 analysis.

Key Resources



Essential steps

  • Login
  • Workspaces
  • Billing accounts
  • (R-based) Jupyter notebooks or RStudio for interactive analysis
  • Workflows for large-scale data processing

Cloud computing environment

  • Runtime and persistent disk.
  • Workspace DATA and buckets.
  • AnVIL package for interaction with workspace components.

FAQ answers

  • We upload workflows through GitHub / Dockstore, but also the Broad Methods Repository (YouTube); see also the WDL Puzzles workspace.
  • Default name and namespace -- the runtime starts in a particular workspace, and the runtime knows the default namespace and name. So by default, I had
    > avworkspace()
    [1] "deeppilots-bioconductor-may3/Bioconductor-Workshop-PopUp-mtmorgan"
  • gsutil_cp(): CommandException: Downloading this composite object requires integrity checking with CRC32c, but your crcmod installation isn’t using... This is a bug that will be fixed in the underlying image for the runtime.

Workshop Activities

Setup & Tour


  • Log in to AnVIL using the email address you used to register for the course and navigate (via the HAMBURGER) to Workspaces.
  • Clone the Bioconductor-Workflow-DESeq2 workspace
    • Unique workspace name
    • Billing project: deeppilots-bioconductor-may10 Clone Bioconductor-Workflow-DESeq2

Workspace tour

  • DATA
    • participant, participant_set TABLES
    • Files in google bucket contain only notebooks Workspace Tour
    • How to use all aspects of the workspace for bulk RNASeq differential expression analysis. Notebook
  • WORKFLOW Workflow

Running a Workflow

salmon quantification

  • Inputs
    • Transcriptome FASTA file
    • Per-sample paired-end FASTQ files
  • Outputs
    • Per-sample counts of reads aligned to known transcripts
  • 'Ultra fast' aligner -- should take about 20 minutes for the largest FASTQ file


  • SELECT DATA from participant_set
  • Connect workflow INPUTS to columns in the participant table (FASTQ files), workspace bucket (transcriptome FASTA file), or direct entry (transcriptome name) Connect Workflow Inputs to Columns
  • Use default OUTPUTS
  • SAVE
  • RUN ANALYSIS Run Analysis




  • In a new tab... some preliminary work, necessary until the image is updated in the next 2 months.
  • Start a Jupyter Notebook interactive environment Start Jupyter Notebook Environment Start Jupyter Notebook Environment
  • When the runtime is ready, launch an interactive shell to update packages Launch Interative Shell to Update Packages
  • An interactive shell is 'better' for updating packages because we can see progress / errors; these are hidden by the Jupyter notebook
  • Start R, update installed packages, and install current version of the AnVIL package
    root@...> R
    options(Ncpus = 2)  # faster installation, even if runtime 'oversubscribed'
    BiocManager::install(ask = FALSE)  # update installed packages
    pkgs <-  c("Bioconductor/AnVIL", "GenomicFeatures", "tximport", "DESeq2")
    BiocManager::install(pkgs)  # latest AnVIL package

Workflow Components


  • Available through Dockstore, from GitHub salmon.wdl
  • task
    • Logical collection of tasks on a homogeneous input, e.g., 'align FASTQ files of one sample'
    • runtime: e.g., docker image; could also specify memory, CPU, disk size, etc
  • workflow
    • Collection of tasks into an overall execution sequence
  • scatter
    • Distribute a vector of operations (e.g., FASTQ file pairs from each sample) across compute nodes

Customizing analysis

  • Make your FASTQ files and transcriptome FASTA files available in the cloud
  • Update the participant and participant_set DATA TABLE with relevant information about your experiment, including links to the FASTQ files of each sample. Use the AnVIL package to help accomplish this.
  • Run the workflow on the new data!

Developing workflows

  • Local development
    • Use Cromwell (Java application) to run locally.
    • Develop individual tasks on small subsets of data.
    • Transition to the cloud for large scale testing / full workflow.
  • Dockstore / GitHub

Interactive Analysis


  • Notebooks A, B, and C describe how the workspace was set up; review at your leisure. This material may be useful when running on your own data.

Notebook D_ManagingWorkflowOutput

  • Extracts relevant files from the workflow output to the local disk
  • Open in 'EDIT' mode
  • Enter each evaluation cell and press return

Notebook E_DESeq2Analysis


What You've Accomplished

Running a Workflow

  • Bulk RNASeq analysis from FASTQ files to 'top table' for interactive analysis.
  • Relationship between DATA TABLEs, workspace bucket, and workflow inputs and outputs.
  • Launch and monitor workflow progress.

Workflow Components

  • Brief introduction to WDL task and workflow components, scatter operation, and runtime environments.
  • Steps to developing your own workflow using local execution on small example data.

Interactive Analysis

  • Launch and use Jupyter notebooks.
  • Workflow output retrieval from workspace bucket to local disk.
  • Management of data for input to DESeq2.

Next Steps

Frequently Asked Questions

  • (From Liz) This article discusses the differences between your Cloud Environment VM and the one that is created when you run workflows: Understanding the Terra ecosystem and how your files live in it and it links to this article on What happens when you launch a workflow? The articles also discuss where your files are.

  • (From a participant) "Got error at step E: Error in system(paste(which, shQuote(names[i])), intern = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE): cannot popen ‘/usr/bin/which ‘gcloud’ 2>/dev/null’, probable reason ‘Cannot allocate memory’. Anyway to fix it? Thanks."

    Superficially, this sounds like you ran out of memory on your runtime. A first step might be to restart the 'kernel' in the Jupyter notebook via one of the menu items. This would mean that you'd have to re-do all computations in the notebook that the cell you're going to evaluate depends on. Another solution might be to restart the 'Cloud Environment' but with more than the default, very modest, 3.75 GB. But actually, this seems like an unusual error and it would be great to understand what perhaps unusual steps you took to get into this situation.

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