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Yu JH, Appelbaum PS, Brothers KB, Joffe S, Kauffman TL, Koenig BA, Prince AE, Scollon S, Wolf SM, Bernhardt BA, Wilfond BS; Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research (CSER) Consortium Informed Consent and Governance Working Group. (2019). Per Med. PMID: 31313633.Qualitative study of system-level factors related to genomic implementation
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Ackerman SL, Koenig BA. (2018). AJOB Empir Bioeth. PMID: 29131714.The Clinical Sequencing Evidence-Generating Research Consortium: Integrating Genomic Sequencing in Diverse and Medically Underserved Populations
Amendola LM, Berg JS, Horowitz CR, Angelo F, Bensen JT, Biesecker BB, Biesecker LG, Cooper GM, East K, Filipski K, Fullerton SM, Gelb BD, Goddard KAB, Hailu B, Hart R, Hassmiller-Lich K, Joseph G, Kenny EE, Koenig BA, Knight S, Kwok PY, Lewis KL, McGuire AL, Norton ME, Ou J, Parsons DW, Powell BC, Risch N, Robinson M, Rini C, Scollon S, Slavotinek AM, Veenstra DL, Wasserstein MP, Wilfond BS, Hindorff LA; CSER consortium; Plon SE, Jarvik GP. (2018). Am J Hum Genet. PMID: 30193136.Why Patients Decline Genomic Sequencing Studies: Experiences from the CSER Consortium
Amendola LM, Robinson JO, Hart R, Biswas S, Lee K, Bernhardt BA, East K, Gilmore MJ, Kauffman TL, Lewis KL, Roche M, Scollon S, Wynn J, Blout C. (2018). J Genet Couns. PMID: 29497922.Web Platform vs In-Person Genetic Counselor for Return of Carrier Results From Exome Sequencing: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Biesecker BB, Lewis KL, Umstead KL, Johnston JJ, Turbitt E, Fishler KP, Patton JH, Miller IM, Heidlebaugh AR, Biesecker LG. (2018). JAMA Intern Med. PMID: 29356820.The ACMG/AMP reputable source criteria for the interpretation of sequence variants
Biesecker LG, Harrison SM; ClinGen Sequence Variant Interpretation Working Group. (2018). Genet Med. PMID: 29543229.Professional responsibilities regarding the provision, publication, and dissemination of patient phenotypes in the context of clinical genetic and genomic testing: points to consider-a statement of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG)
Bush LW, Beck AE, Biesecker LG, Evans JP, Hamosh A, Holm IA, Martin CL, Richards CS, Rehm HL. (2018). Genet Med. PMID: 29323668.Aberrant Inclusion of a Poison Exon Causes Dravet Syndrome and Related SCN1A-Associated Genetic Epilepsies
Carvill GL, Engel KL, Ramamurthy A, Cochran JN, Roovers J, Stamberger H, Lim N, Schneider AL, Hollingsworth G, Holder DH, Regan BM, Lawlor J, Lagae L, Ceulemans B, Bebin EM, Nguyen J; EuroEPINOMICS Rare Epilepsy Syndrome, Myoclonic-Astatic Epilepsy, and Dravet Working Group; Barsh GS, Weckhuysen S, Meisler M, Berkovic SF, De Jonghe P, Scheffer IE, Myers RM, Cooper GM, Mefford HC. (2018). Am J Hum Genet. PMID: 30526861.Truncating Variants in NAA15 Are Associated with Variable Levels of Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Congenital Anomalies
Cheng H, Dharmadhikari AV, Varland S, Ma N, Domingo D, Kleyner R, Rope AF, Yoon M, Stray-Pedersen A, Posey JE, Crews SR, Eldomery MK, Akdemir ZC, Lewis AM, Sutton VR, Rosenfeld JA, Conboy E, Agre K, Xia F, Walkiewicz M, Longoni M, High FA, van Slegtenhorst MA, Mancini GMS, Finnila CR, van Haeringen A, den Hollander N, Ruivenkamp C, Naidu S, Mahida S, Palmer EE, Murray L, Lim D, Jayakar P, Parker MJ, Giusto S, Stracuzzi E, Romano C, Beighley JS, Bernier RA, Küry S, Nizon M, Corbett MA, Shaw M, Gardner A, Barnett C, Armstrong R, Kassahn KS, Van Dijck A, Vandeweyer G, Kleefstra T, Schieving J, Jongmans MJ, de Vries BBA, Pfundt R, Kerr B, Rojas SK, Boycott KM, Person R, Willaert R, Eichler EE, Kooy RF, Yang Y, Wu JC, Lupski JR, Arnesen T, Cooper GM, Chung WK, Gecz J, Stessman HAF, Meng L, Lyon GJ. (2018). Am J Hum Genet. PMID: 29656860.Anticipated responses of early adopter genetic specialists and nongenetic specialists to unsolicited genomic secondary findings
Christensen KD, Bernhardt BA, Jarvik GP, Hindorff LA, Ou J, Biswas S, Powell BC, Grundmeier RW, Machini K, Karavite DJ, Pennington JW, Krantz ID, Berg JS, Goddard KAB. (2018). Genet Med. PMID: 29388940.Assessment of willingness to pay for expanded carrier screening among women and couples undergoing preconception carrier screening
Clarke EV, Schneider JL, Lynch F, Kauffman TL, Leo MC, Rosales AG, Dickerson JF, Shuster E, Wilfond BS, Goddard KAB. (2018). PLoS One. PMID: 30020962.Impact of HIPAA's minimum necessary standard on genomic data sharing
Evans BJ, Jarvik GP. (2018). Genet Med. PMID: 28914268.Precision Medicine: From Science To Value
Ginsburg GS, Phillips KA. (2018). Health Aff (Millwood). PMID: 29733705.Diagnostic utility of exome sequencing in the evaluation of neuromuscular disorders
Haskell GT, Adams MC, Fan Z, Amin K, Guzman Badillo RJ, Zhou L, Bizon C, Chahin N, Greenwood RS, Milko LV, Shiloh-Malawsky Y, Crooks KR, Strande N, Tennison M, Tilley CR, Brandt A, Wilhelmsen KC, Weck K, Evans JP, Berg JS. (2018). Neurol Genet. PMID: 29417091.Ability of Patients to Distinguish Among Cardiac Genomic Variant Subclassifications
Hellwig LD, Biesecker BB, Lewis KL, Biesecker LG, James CA, Klein WMP. (2018). Circ Genom Precis Med. PMID: 29848613.Systematic reanalysis of genomic data improves quality of variant interpretation
Hiatt SM, Amaral MD, Bowling KM, Finnila CR, Thompson ML, Gray DE, Lawlor JMJ, Cochran JN, Bebin EM, Brothers KB, East KM, Kelley WV, Lamb NE, Levy SE, Lose EJ, Neu MB, Rich CA, Simmons S, Myers RM, Barsh GS, Cooper GM. (2018). Clin Genet. PMID: 29652076.De novo mutations in the GTP/GDP-binding region of RALA, a RAS-like small GTPase, cause intellectual disability and developmental delay
Hiatt SM, Neu MB, Ramaker RC, Hardigan AA, Prokop JW, Hancarova M, Prchalova D, Havlovicova M, Prchal J, Stranecky V, Yim DKC, Powis Z, Keren B, Nava C, Mignot C, Rio M, Revah-Politi A, Hemati P, Stong N, Iglesias AD, Suchy SF, Willaert R, Wentzensen IM, Wheeler PG, Brick L, Kozenko M, Hurst ACE, Wheless JW, Lacassie Y, Myers RM, Barsh GS, Sedlacek Z, Cooper GM. (2018). PLoS Genet. PMID: 30500825.Sequencing Newborns: A Call for Nuanced Use of Genomic Technologies
Johnston J, Lantos JD, Goldenberg A, Chen F, Parens E, Koenig BA; members of the NSIGHT Ethics and Policy Advisory Board. (2018). Hastings Cent Rep. PMID: 30133723.Patient perspectives on the use of categories of conditions for decision making about genomic carrier screening results
Kraft SA, McMullen CK, Porter KM, Kauffman TL, Davis JV, Schneider JL, Goddard KAB, Wilfond BS. (2018). Am J Med Genet A. PMID: 29250907.Patient actions and reactions after receiving negative results from expanded carrier screening
Kraft SA, Schneider JL, Leo MC, Kauffman TL, Davis JV, Porter KM, McMullen CK, Wilfond BS, Goddard KAB. (2018). Clin Genet. PMID: 29293279.Disclosure of cardiac variants of uncertain significance results in an exome cohort
Lawal TA, Lewis KL, Johnston JJ, Heidlebaugh AR, Ng D, Gaston-Johansson FG, Klein WMP, Biesecker BB, Biesecker LG. (2018). Clin Genet. PMID: 29383714.Outcomes of Counseling after Education about Carrier Results: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Lewis KL, Umstead KL, Johnston JJ, Miller IM, Thompson LJ, Fishler KP, Biesecker LG, Biesecker BB. (2018). Am J Hum Genet. PMID: 29526281.Time Costs for Genetic Counseling in Preconception Carrier Screening with Genome Sequencing
Lynch FL, Himes P, Gilmore MJ, Morris EM, Schneider JL, Kauffman TL, Shuster E, Reiss JA, Dickerson JF, Leo MC, Davis JV, McMullen CK, Wilfond BS, Goddard KAB. (2018). J Genet Couns. PMID: 29423569.A common haplotype containing functional CACNA1H variants is frequently coinherited with increased TPSAB1 copy number
Lyons JJ, Stotz SC, Chovanec J, Liu Y, Lewis KL, Nelson C, DiMaggio T, Jones N, Stone KD, Sung H, Biesecker LG, Colicos MA, Milner JD. (2018). Genet Med. PMID: 28933792.NBEA: Developmental disease gene with early generalized epilepsy phenotypes
Mulhern MS, Stumpel C, Stong N, Brunner HG, Bier L, Lippa N, Riviello J, Rouhl RPW, Kempers M, Pfundt R, Stegmann APA, Kukolich MK, Telegrafi A, Lehman A; CAUSES study; Lopez-Rangel E, Houcinat N, Barth M, den Hollander N, Hoffer MJV, Weckhuysen S; EuroEPINOMICS-RES-MAE working group; Roovers J, Djemie T, Barca D, Ceulemans B, Craiu D, Lemke JR, Korff C, Mefford HC, Meyers CT, Siegler Z, Hiatt SM, Cooper GM, Bebin EM, Snijders Blok L, Veenstra-Knol HE, Baugh EH, Brilstra EH, Volker-Touw CML, van Binsbergen E, Revah-Politi A, Pereira E, McBrian D, Pacault M, Isidor B, Le Caignec C, Gilbert-Dussardier B, Bilan F, Heinzen EL, Goldstein DB, Stevens SJC, Sands TT. (2018). Ann Neurol. PMID: 30269351.Genetic Test Availability And Spending: Where Are We Now? Where Are We Going?
Phillips KA, Deverka PA, Hooker GW, Douglas MP. (2018). Health Aff (Millwood). PMID: 29733704.Insurance coverage for genomic tests
Phillips KA, Trosman JR, Deverka PA, Quinn B, Tunis S, Neumann PJ, Chambers JD, Garrison LP Jr, Douglas MP, Weldon CB. (2018). Science. PMID: 29674586.New Medicare Coverage Policy for Next-Generation Tumor Sequencing: A Key Shift in Coverage Criteria With Broad Implications Beyond Medicare
Phillips KA, Trosman JR, Weldon CB, Douglas MP. (2018). JCO Precis Oncol. PMID: 31073549.Evolving Payer Coverage Policies on Genomic Sequencing Tests: Beginning of the End or End of the Beginning?
Phillips KA. (2018). JAMA. PMID: 29710095.Approaches to carrier testing and results disclosure in translational genomics research: The clinical sequencing exploratory research consortium experience
Porter KM, Kauffman TL, Koenig BA, Lewis KL, Rehm HL, Richards CS, Strande NT, Tabor HK, Wolf SM, Yang Y, Amendola LM, Azzariti DR, Berg JS, Bergstrom K, Biesecker LG, Biswas S, Bowling KM, Chung WK, Clayton EW, Conlin LK, Cooper GM, Dulik MC, Garraway LA, Ghazani AA, Green RC, Hiatt SM, Jamal SM, Jarvik GP, Goddard KAB, Wilfond BS; members of the CSER Actionability and Return of Results Working Group. (2018). Mol Genet Genomic Med. PMID: 30133189.Preconception Carrier Screening by Genome Sequencing: Results from the Clinical Laboratory
Punj S, Akkari Y, Huang J, Yang F, Creason A, Pak C, Potter A, Dorschner MO, Nickerson DA, Robertson PD, Jarvik GP, Amendola LM, Schleit J, Simpson DK, Rope AF, Reiss J, Kauffman T, Gilmore MJ, Himes P, Wilfond B, Goddard KAB, Richards CS. (2018). Am J Hum Genet. PMID: 29754767.Associations of perceived norms with intentions to learn genomic sequencing results: Roles for attitudes and ambivalence
Reid AE, Taber JM, Ferrer RA, Biesecker BB, Lewis KL, Biesecker LG, Klein WMP. (2018). Health Psychol. PMID: 29745680.The who, what, and why of research participants' intentions to request a broad range of secondary findings in a diagnostic genomic sequencing study
Rini C, Khan CM, Moore E, Roche MI, Evans JP, Berg JS, Powell BC, Corbie-Smith G, Foreman AKM, Griesemer I, Lee K, O'Daniel JM, Henderson GE. (2018). Genet Med. PMID: 29261173.A case for expanding carrier testing to include actionable X-linked disorders
Rope AF, Kauffman TL, Himes P, Amendola LM, Punj S, Akkari Y, Potter A, Davis JV, Schneider JL, Reiss JA, Gilmore MJ, McMullen CK, Nickerson DA, Richards CS, Jarvik GP, Wilfond BS, Goddard KAB. (2018). Clin Case Rep. PMID: 30455898.Characterizing reduced coverage regions through comparison of exome and genome sequencing data across 10 centers
Sanghvi RV, Buhay CJ, Powell BC, Tsai EA, Dorschner MO, Hong CS, Lebo MS, Sasson A, Hanna DS, McGee S, Bowling KM, Cooper GM, Gray DE, Lonigro RJ, Dunford A, Brennan CA, Cibulskis C, Walker K, Carneiro MO, Sailsbery J, Hindorff LA, Robinson DR, Santani A, Sarmady M, Rehm HL, Biesecker LG, Nickerson DA, Hutter CM, Garraway L, Muzny DM, Wagle N; NHGRI Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research (CSER) Consortium. (2018). Genet Med. PMID: 29144510."Possibly positive or certainly uncertain?": participants' responses to uncertain diagnostic results from exome sequencing
Skinner D, Roche MI, Weck KE, Raspberry KA, Foreman AKM, Strande NT, Berg JS, Evans JP, Henderson GE. (2018). Genet Med. PMID: 29593351.De novo mutations in MED13, a component of the Mediator complex, are associated with a novel neurodevelopmental disorder
Snijders Blok L, Hiatt SM, Bowling KM, Prokop JW, Engel KL, Cochran JN, Bebin EM, Bijlsma EK, Ruivenkamp CAL, Terhal P, Simon MEH, Smith R, Hurst JA; DDD study; McLaughlin H, Person R, Crunk A, Wangler MF, Streff H, Symonds JD, Zuberi SM, Elliott KS, Sanders VR, Masunga A, Hopkin RJ, Dubbs HA, Ortiz-Gonzalez XR, Pfundt R, Brunner HG, Fisher SE, Kleefstra T, Cooper GM. (2018). Hum Genet. PMID: 29740699.Reactions to clinical reinterpretation of a gene variant by participants in a sequencing study
Taber JM, Klein WMP, Lewis KL, Johnston JJ, Biesecker LG, Biesecker BB. (2018). Genet Med. PMID: 28771245.Modeling the ACMG/AMP variant classification guidelines as a Bayesian classification framework
Tavtigian SV, Greenblatt MS, Harrison SM, Nussbaum RL, Prabhu SA, Boucher KM, Biesecker LG; ClinGen Sequence Variant Interpretation Working Group (ClinGen SVI). (2018). Genet Med. PMID: 29300386.Genomic sequencing identifies secondary findings in a cohort of parent study participants
Thompson ML, Finnila CR, Bowling KM, Brothers KB, Neu MB, Amaral MD, Hiatt SM, East KM, Gray DE, Lawlor JMJ, Kelley WV, Lose EJ, Rich CA, Simmons S, Levy SE, Myers RM, Barsh GS, Bebin EM, Cooper GM. (2018). Genet Med. PMID: 29790872.Mutations in MAST1 Cause Mega-Corpus-Callosum Syndrome with Cerebellar Hypoplasia and Cortical Malformations
Tripathy R, Leca I, van Dijk T, Weiss J, van Bon BW, Sergaki MC, Gstrein T, Breuss M, Tian G, Bahi-Buisson N, Paciorkowski AR, Pagnamenta AT, Wenninger-Weinzierl A, Martinez-Reza MF, Landler L, Lise S, Taylor JC, Terrone G, Vitiello G, Del Giudice E, Brunetti-Pierri N, D'Amico A, Reymond A, Voisin N, Bernstein JA, Farrelly E, Kini U, Leonard TA, Valence S, Burglen L, Armstrong L, Hiatt SM, Cooper GM, Aldinger KA, Dobyns WB, Mirzaa G, Pierson TM, Baas F, Chelly J, Cowan NJ, Keays DA. (2018). Neuron. PMID: 30449657.From the Past to the Present: Insurer Coverage Frameworks for Next-Generation Tumor Sequencing
Trosman JR, Weldon CB, Gradishar WJ, Benson AB 3rd, Cristofanilli M, Kurian AW, Ford JM, Balch A, Watkins J, Phillips KA. (2018). Value Health. PMID: 30224110.Intentions to share exome sequencing results with family members: exploring spousal beliefs and attitudes
Turbitt E, Roberts MC, Ferrer RA, Taber JM, Lewis KL, Biesecker LG, Biesecker BB, Klein WM. (2018). Eur J Hum Genet. PMID: 29476166.Patient preferences for massively parallel sequencing genetic testing of colorectal cancer risk: a discrete choice experiment
Weymann D, Veenstra DL, Jarvik GP, Regier DA. (2018). Eur J Hum Genet. PMID: 29802320.Lessons Learned From A Study Of Genomics-Based Carrier Screening For Reproductive Decision Making
Wilfond BS, Kauffman TL, Jarvik GP, Reiss JA, Richards CS, McMullen C, Gilmore M, Himes P, Kraft SA, Porter KM, Schneider JL, Punj S, Leo MC, Dickerson JF, Lynch FL, Clarke E, Rope AF, Lutz K, Goddard KAB. (2018). Health Aff (Millwood). PMID: 29733724.Navigating the research-clinical interface in genomic medicine: analysis from the CSER Consortium
Wolf SM, Amendola LM, Berg JS, Chung WK, Clayton EW, Green RC, Harris-Wai J, Henderson GE, Jarvik GP, Koenig BA, Lehmann LS, McGuire AL, O'Rourke P, Somkin C, Wilfond BS, Burke W. (2018). Genet Med. PMID: 28858330.Pragmatic Tools for Sharing Genomic Research Results with the Relatives of Living and Deceased Research Participants
Wolf SM, Scholtes E, Koenig BA, Petersen GM, Berry SA, Beskow LM, Daly MB, Fernandez CV, Green RC, LeRoy BS, Lindor NM, O'Rourke PP, Breitkopf CR, Rothstein MA, Van Ness B, Wilfond BS. (2018). J Law Med Ethics. PMID: 30008546.Clinical providers' experiences with returning results from genomic sequencing: an interview study
Wynn J, Lewis K, Amendola LM, Bernhardt BA, Biswas S, Joshi M, McMullen C, Scollon S. (2018). BMC Med Genomics. PMID: 29739461.2017
Exploring the importance of case-level clinical information for variant interpretation
Berg JS. (2017). Genet Med. PMID: 27561084.PUGS: A novel scale to assess perceptions of uncertainties in genome sequencing
Biesecker BB, Woolford SW, Klein WMP, Brothers KB, Umstead KL, Lewis KL, Biesecker LG, Han PKJ. (2017). Clin Genet. PMID: 27925165.MYT1L mutations cause intellectual disability and variable obesity by dysregulating gene expression and development of the neuroendocrine hypothalamus
Blanchet P, Bebin M, Bruet S, Cooper GM, Thompson ML, Duban-Bedu B, Gerard B, Piton A, Suckno S, Deshpande C, Clowes V, Vogt J, Turnpenny P, Williamson MP, Alembik Y; Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research Study Consortium; Deciphering Developmental Disorders Consortium; Glasgow E, McNeill A. (2017). PLoS Genet. PMID: 28859103.Genomic diagnosis for children with intellectual disability and/or developmental delay
Bowling KM, Thompson ML, Amaral MD, Finnila CR, Hiatt SM, Engel KL, Cochran JN, Brothers KB, East KM, Gray DE, Kelley WV, Lamb NE, Lose EJ, Rich CA, Simmons S, Whittle JS, Weaver BT, Nesmith AS, Myers RM, Barsh GS, Bebin EM, Cooper GM. (2017). Genome Med. PMID: 28554332.Eliciting preferences on secondary findings: the Preferences Instrument for Genomic Secondary Results
Brothers KB, East KM, Kelley WV, Wright MF, Westbrook MJ, Rich CA, Bowling KM, Lose EJ, Bebin EM, Simmons S, Myers JA, Barsh G, Myers RM, Cooper GM, Pulley JM, Rothstein MA, Clayton EW. (2017). Genet Med. PMID: 27561086.Online Education and e-Consent for GeneScreen, a Preventive Genomic Screening Study
Cadigan RJ, Butterfield R, Rini C, Waltz M, Kuczynski KJ, Muessig K, Goddard KAB, Henderson GE. (2017). Public Health Genomics. PMID: 29069655.Distributive justice, diversity, and inclusion in precision medicine: what will success look like?
Cohn EG, Henderson GE, Appelbaum PS. (2017). Genet Med. PMID: 27490116.Returning Results in Biobank Research: Global Trends and Solutions
De Clercq E, Kaye J, Wolf SM, Koenig BA, Elger BS. (2017). Genet Test Mol Biomarkers. PMID: 28146646.Finding the Rare Pathogenic Variants in a Human Genome
Evans JP, Powell BC, Berg JS. (2017). JAMA. PMID: 28492888.Reasons for Declining Preconception Expanded Carrier Screening Using Genome Sequencing
Gilmore MJ, Schneider J, Davis JV, Kauffman TL, Leo MC, Bergen K, Reiss JA, Himes P, Morris E, Young C, McMullen C, Wilfond BS, Goddard KAB. (2017). J Genet Couns. PMID: 28315134.Discordance in selected designee for return of genomic findings in the event of participant death and estate executor
Goodman JL, Amendola LM, Horike-Pyne M, Trinidad SB, Fullerton SM, Burke W, Jarvik GP. (2017). Mol Genet Genomic Med. PMID: 28361104.CORRIGENDUM: ACMG recommendations for reporting of incidental findings in clinical exome and genome sequencing
Green RC, Berg JS, Grody WW, Kalia SS, Korf BR, Martin CL, McGuire AL, Nussbaum RL, O'Daniel JM, Ormond KE, Rehm HL, Watson MS, Williams MS, Biesecker LG. (2017). Genet Med. PMID: 28492529.Disclosing genetic risk of Alzheimer's disease to cognitively impaired patients and visit companions: Findings from the REVEAL Study
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