AnVIL Dataset Catalog

NABEC Long-Read Whole-Genome Sequencing

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NABEC: North American Brain Expression Consortium cohort utilizes a series of control brain samples that have been studied for over a decade. Several genomic assays have already been performed on this cohort including: RNA sequencing, array genotyping, short-read sequencing, CAGE sequencing, and more. Here we add an additional genomic assay to this resource by performing Oxford Nanopore Long-Read Whole-Genome Sequencing. Oxford Nanopore Long-Read sequencing allows the detection of structural variants and genome-wide methylation values. This cohort is processed with the aim of having >30X coverage, and an N50 read distribution of 25kb. FAST5 (raw data) and fastq (processed data) will be made available to qualified researchers.

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Not applicable. All phenotype data is present in dbGaP

Study Design

Resource generation for the science community

Data Types

Whole Genome
