AnVIL Dataset Catalog

CSER: Incorporating Genomics into the Clinical Care of Diverse NYC Children (NYCKidSeq)

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The NYCKidSeq program will significantly advance the implementation of genomic medicine, particularly for children, young adults and their families in Harlem and the Bronx. The study will assess the clinical utility of genomic medicine in three broad areas of pediatric disorders, while engaging a range of providers and community advisors to overcome the well-documented barriers to inclusion of underserved and underrepresented populations in genomic research. The study will also include testing, analyzing, and implementing a novel communication tool, Genomic Understanding, Information and Awareness (GUÍA), to facilitate the return of genomic test results. The use of GUÍA will enhance the understanding of these genomic testing results by families, patients, and care providers at all levels of expertise, in two health systems. Healthcare system leadership will be engaged to provide insights into their readiness for genomic implementation. Overall, the NYCKidSeq program will inform the genomics and clinical communities about how to implement genomic medicine in a diverse population in a clinically useful, technologically savvy, culturally sensitive, and ethically sound manner.

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Suspected Genetic Disorder

Study Design

Clinical Trial

Data Types

Targeted Panel, Whole Exome Sequencing
